Cricket Scotland have updated their Code of Conduct for Season 2021

The Club is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct and behaviour on and off the pitch and requires all players and team officials to abide by the Cricket Scotland Code of Conduct for Players and Team Officials.

Copy of CS Code of Conduct is available on our DOCUMENTS page

Annual General Meeting – Club appointments

At the Annual General Meeting held by Zoom on Thursday 21st January the following office-bearers were appointed.

President – Greg Bissett

Secretary – Euan Campbell

Treasurer – James Crispin

Assistant Treasurer – Euan Robertson

1st XI captain – Steven Parker

2nd XI captain – Rohan Kapoor

3rd XI – Simon Edgar

4th XI – Fraser Laidlaw

Junior Convenor – David Gibson

Child Protection Officer – Steven Kerr

In recognition of their service to the club Alan Veitch was appointed as an Honorary Vice-President and Bert Barclay as an Honorary Life Member.

A copy of the Secretary’s report on the season can be read here.   Click link below –

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